Preliminary Floral & Faunal Surveys for Hydroelectric Permitting
Black Canyon Hydroelectric Vegetation Habitat, Rare Plants, & Wildlife Study, King County, WA

Study designed & conducted to identify vegetation habitat, rare plants, & wildlife in accordance with a previously approved study plan for the proposed Black Canyon Hydroelectric Project (FERC #14110).

  • Project to include an intake, powerhouse, underground tunnel, tailrace, & powerline corridor
  • Project site located around the Black Canyon portion of the North Fork of the Snoqualmie River, approximately 4 miles northeast of the town of North Bend in King County, WA
  • General methodologies
  • Frequent, intensive field surveys
  • Motion activated game cameras

Species specific methodologies:

  • Larch Mountain Salamander (none observed, other species documented)
  • Northern Goshawk (none observed/heard, other species documented)


  • No rare plants
  • Habitats: Instream, Riparian, Snags, & Logs
  • Species: Western Toad, Harlequin Duck, Osprey, Pileated Woodpecker, Colombian Black Tailed Deer, Elk, Gray Wolf

Black Bear August 2013
Cougar May 2013
Preliminary Floral & Faunal Surveys for Hydroelectric Permitting
Fisheries Snorkel Surveys August 2013
Helicopter Habitat Reconnaissance May 2013
Western Toad June 2013
Esatina Salamander May 2013
Western Redback Salamander June 2013

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