Phased Development Plan
- Full build out development
- Building for worship, religious purposes, & public meeting space
- Sidewalks, asphalt access roads, & parking areas
- Sports ministry field
- Septic drain field, curtain drain, biofiltration swales, rain gardens, & detention pond
39,949 square feet (0.92 acre) wetland fill
- Watershed Approach implemented using information obtained from the Birch Bay Watershed Characterization & Watershed Planning Pilot Study conducted by Ecology
- 45,575 square feet (1.05 acres) offsite wetland creation
- 38,616 square feet (0.89 acre) onsite/offsite wetland rehabilitation
- 89,298 square feet (2.05 acres) onsite/offsite buffer enhancement
Interagency (Local, State, & Federal) Project Coordination
- Corps: Section 404 IP
- Ecology: Section 401 WQC
- Whatcom County Hearing Examiner
- First Reasonable Use
- First Development Agreement
- Whatcom County Planning & Development Department
- SEPA Determination of Non-Significance
- Zoning Conditional Use Permit
- First Alternatives Analysis Agreement
- First Reasonable Use Permit Process