Mitigation Planning for Wetland Permitting
Fisher Ferndale Phased Offsite Mitigation, Whatcom County, WA

Mitigation Site within the Landscape

Headwater wetland construction with direct connection to Slater Slough & its downstream tributaries & waterbodies

  • Slater Slough – Smugglers Slough – Lummi River – Lummi Bay – Salish Sea

Important ecological functions & lift for sensitive downstream environments

  • Lummi River
  • Frequently Flooded Area Inundated by 100 Year Flooding HCA 1a Shoreline of Significance
  • Fish HCA
  • Lummi Bay
  • HCA 2 State & Federal Listed Species Have a Primary Association
  • HCA 3 Habitats & Areas Associated with a State Priority Species
  • HCA 4 Commercial & Recreational Shellfish Areas
  • HCA 5 Eelgrass Beds
  • HCA 6 Herring Spawning

Directly abuts a diked portion of the Nooksack River

  • HCA 1a Shoreline of Significance & Fish HCA
  • HCA 2 State & Federal Listed Species Have a Primary Association
  • Including, but not limited to, Peregrine Falcons, Cavity Nesting Ducks, Waterfowl Concentrations, Bald Eagles, Swans, & Sandhill Cranes

Benefits of Headwater Wetland Construction

  • Water Quality Functions
  • Filter pollutants, thus decreasing nutrients & removing/reducing sediment loads from agriculture within the contributing watershed
  • Water Quantity/Hydrologic Functions
  • Provide storage to reduce peak flows & erosion
  • Habitat/Ecological Functions
  • Increase habitat for raptors, waterfowl, wetland associated birds, & aquatic invertebrates
  • Increase native plant richness
  • Increase corridor connectivity to the Nooksack River, Slater Slough, Smugglers Slough, Lummi River, & Lummi Bay
July 2016
November 2019

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